Monday, February 9, 2009

One Grumpy boy!

The past few weeks have just flown by! They seem the farthest thing from flying by in the moment but looking back they have. Somehow my sweet easy going baby boy has turned into quite the demanding child! I'm not sure if Asher is teething or has just become high maintenance... but either way he is sure a handful! Thank goodness he's as cute as he is!

Asher had his 4 month check-up a couple of weeks ago (we had to delay it a bit due to him being sick). He was 24 inches long, which is the 10th percentile... 14 pounds 10 ounces, which is the 55th percentile. So in other words he is short and chubby :) Everything went well at his appointment, the Dr. said he is early with his rolling over.

Gavin has been quite the trooper putting up with Asher demanding the majority of the attention. It is hard trying to split the attention between the two boys and make sure Gavin isn't feeling forgotten. I am working to set aside special time to spend with only him. Gavin started Karate last week and he LOVE'S it! He is on a kick right now where he asks "why?" to just about everything! Last night Mike showed him the time to let Gavin know it was 5 minutes past bed time and Gavin said " It's a little past... I guess we'll have to wait for the next one". He is hilarious!

Last night Asher had his first non-grandma baby-sitter. Two of my good friends offered to watch both boys so Mike and I could have a date night. So we went bowling and out for Indian food. It was absolutely wonderful to have time alone together!

Life is busy and repetitive but I wouldn't trade it! Let's all keep our fingers crossed that Asher grows out of the grumpy's very soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Well it has been awhile since I have had the chance to post anything. The past couple of weeks have been exhausting and long! Gavin came down sick first. It was his first "real" illness... a temp. of 104 and a horrible cough. But even being so sick it was near impossible to get him to slow down and rest.

Then Gavin shared his germs (as siblings do), with Asher. Asher came down with the same cough which turned into RSV. We took him to a emergency room, urgent care and the pediatrician before finally taking him up to Seattle Children's Hospital where they helped explain the situation and calm our nerves :) Watching the little guy working so hard to breathe was a scary experience.

Over the last few days all illness seems to be resolved and we are working at getting Asher back on a schedule! Gavin had his birthday party on Sunday at the Little Gym. Most of his class was there and he had a blast! Four is such a fabulous age, they just have so much to say!

Asher has become a rolling over machine! He is constantly rolling from his back to his tummy, but once there he is stuck and frustrated... so we are very busy rolling him back over :) He is a little man on the move now.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Gavin's 4th Birthday

Gavin celebrated his 4th birthday on New Years Eve. He told us "I can't believe it I'm 4". Mimi picked up a delicious Coldstone Creamery Cake, which we were all excited about!

We took Gavin to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate. His party with his friends isn't until mid January. He misses his friends from school so much.

It was a very fun day for all of us. It is so hard to believe my little guy is 4, and now a new year has begun. What a wonderful year 2008 was, it is hard to imagine what 2009 may bring!