Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa Brunch

Today we went to a Santa Brunch at my nana's country club. Gavin was so excited to see Santa... that is until he saw him :) There was an elf making balloon animals and Gavin asked for a blue and green Spiderman of course!
While Gavin was nervous of both Santa and Rudolph, Asher was infatuated with Rudolph's flashing nose! I am fairly certain that Rudolph was Asher's most favorite part of the brunch.

They had several arts and crafts for the kids too do. This is Gavin making a Gingerbread house... I think it all may have been a bit overwhelming judging by the look in his eyes :) But he had a great time, he is a craft loving sort of kid!
We had a blast and along with the snow we received last night and today it has helped it feel a bit more like the Christmas season. I love Christmas and it is even more wonderful watching my boys love Christmas!


Running the race said...

Jenny...Looks like you had a great time! I love Gavin's look with the Ginger Bread house in front of him! I think Asher does look like a Cabage Patch Kid! Just want you to know I am praying for you tomorrow!

Erika said...

Hi Friend!
I love the pictures!
It was so great to see you and the family on Saturday. I told Tanner that Gavin kicked my butt at candyland and he said he wasn't surprised! Paul really enjoyed the visit as well and thinks your parents are great. I hope to see you again very soon!